(719) 471-0727

630 Southpointe Ct., Ste 106
Colorado Springs, CO 80906

(719) 471-0727


At the headache and neck pain clinic our focus is on patient care and multidisciplinary management of painful conditions.  Over the years, we have helped many patients who have gone through treatments which have been unsuccessful and patients are told that there is nothing more available to them.  This is often not the case.  With a more holistic and multidisciplinary review of the situation, there are often interventions that have not been considered.

Treating chronic pain, regardless of its source, needs to be multidisciplinary.  Relying on only one intervention limits its success and often leads to diminishing results with that particular intervention.  What is different about the rehabilitative approach to chronic pain management is the incorporation of different interventions from multiple disciplines, coordinated to produce an effective and safe approach to treating painful conditions.  Through education and many years of experience, I utilize a host of providers to address symptoms on various levels to provide a balanced approach to symptom management.

Using headache as an example, it is often the case that treatments may involve medications, locally injections such as Botox, cervical facet injections, temporomandibular joint work, neuromuscular therapies, dietary supplements, biofeedback/relaxation training (usually not all of these, but some combination of the above).  It is this holistic approach to symptom management that improves outcomes and reduces dependence on any one intervention.

At each office visit, the patient sees Dr. Hall.  There are no physician assistants or nurse practitioners.  At each visit, the situation is reviewed and adjustments made to treatment plan.  This face-to-face contact with the physician is in my opinion critical for communication and proper management of difficult pain situations.  


Timothy O. Hall, M.D.

Board Certified: Physical Medicine & RehabilitationEMG / NCV; Pain Medicine


Gene Schneider

My name is Gene Schneider, I have been a patient of Dr. Hall for over fifteen years. I suffer from a severe spinal cord injury and I have to say if not for Dr. Hall's remarkable skill my quality of life would be poor, to say the least.


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